Wednesday, October 30, 2013

This Ship Has Sailed

Then he said to them, "You like to appear righteous in public, but God knows your hearts. What this world honors is detestable in the sight of God. ~ Luke 16:15

But in Psalms 46:10 we can find comfort as He reminds us "I Am".........and to Rest, Sink our self down, come into His peaceful arms and KNOW ....He IS....our God and FORever ....FOR us!
I poured out my heart to Him on this very subject today.  This is here in hopes that anyone needing Him, may find least that is my prayer ~ Candace
October 30, 2013,
Father, Daddy, Elohim.......I AM.....
I need to receive YOUR peace so that I am not tempted in anyway to charge others, to defend myself.  I am of your reputation and not my own.  I am owned by you and you will not cast me away as others do - but the fault is mine.......not others.......if I CAN be cast away then I am on "their" property, because no one can cast me out of you!  Help me to understand all this very clearly sir.
Firstly - if I am harboring a ship of debt and anchoring it in the bay of my heart and mind - empower my soul to be in the will of your spirit ,to let it all freely go it's own way: away from the shore of my heart, mind and soul.  Let me fill their hull with blessing, put a garland around their neck, pray for their safe adventure and prosperity as they return home. 
O Father, let me love them as you do....with you...within your soul.  Allow me to see with great pleasure the advancements of things I do not know. Christ was pierced for our transgressions; so let my heart not desire to pierce mankind; for then I transgress my own salvation, determining they still owe more!
May I never forsake you, who first loved me; but be ever indebted to your will.  Freely I come to serve you, the bondsman who holds what I owe.  I agree to never run out, leave you stranded, but to stay and work hard with my own hands, to repay what was given freely: never questioning my integrity to always stay. 
You desired me, you conceived me, you made me; you know my every purpose and designed a GREAT plan!  You show me all things as I am ready; till then you tell me stories of strength. Your laughter, your tears and your guidance humble my need to seek alone; for without your blessed assurance, I doubt and I fear......I DON'T know.  Even then you do not turn against me - you simply hand me my next joyous task.  You smile as if this too was a lesson and tenderly touch the top of my head. 
Side by side, as we go, I feel your comfort; but it is inside as you grow I feel your strength.  Then the moment your words rise up from me is the moment when your courage is seen.  But by me, in that moment I see amazement; I see you there and nothing of me.  For I know all the places I've traveled and I know the great depths from which you raised me up.  And this was not of my ability: not my effort, my strength or my sharp mind.  It was kicking and pausing and fleeing ....and whining and praising you with all my might!
O Father, may I ever be humble - may I turn back when I overstep YOUR plan.  May I lead when another can not find you - may I watch as they realize where you are.  May I share in the joy of your union, may I celebrate the feast of the Lamb, may I never in anyway betray you - for I am a Lover of the One True I AM.
For the Glory of the Lord alone.........we shine =D
© Candace Huffmaster 2013, All Copy Rights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc°

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