Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Once Again....

Good Morning Dad :)

Once Again.....it feels as though so much time has passed.....

O, that I could spend time with the aware-ness of your abiding presence so that I do not feel any separation!

I miss quiet time with you alone - I so deeply, passionately and honestly need all that you are, every second, so that you may be liberated fully in all my ways.

I get rather zealous when I think about all the possibilities of your presence.  I cannot get to the end of them!  In fact, the more I perceive things through what I am experiencing of your character and reality, the more I realize just how many facets of who you are which I am still not even aware of yet!

Thank you for the gift of your relationship and the blessings of working as YOU afford opportunity.  Please continue to be glorified as I seek first your kingdom and your name to be raised up in praise.  Thank you for hiding me deep within your inner most parts and forming me anew - not as I was born unto man, but as I was born unto Christ; YOUR child!

O, glory be on High Hosanna!  Thank you for imparting your powerful spirit to hoist my bones and renew my life within your will.  Thank you for blessing me that I might have something truly charitable, gentle, kind and wise to give unto the needs you send me into.

Thank you for drenching me with your goodness, so that their thirst may be satisfied by your magnificent, almighty depths flowing out from me.  Thank you for piercing my darkness with your Son's brilliance so that they may see Him as His glory covers my human image.

Thank you for the seasons of life which have given me the salt of experience, that I may be able through my faith in your faithfulness, to preach the fullness of your healing word.  May they taste your goodness and never turn back from your gracious presence.

O Lord, be mighty in my form, empower your life as the inspired unity you desire - I die only to live fully......I lay down only to be raised up......I give nothing which was not given first to me.  Let my gratitude be grace received, mercy you purchased and never return to you void.

In the power of your Holy Spirit and in the heart of my Savior Jesus Christ, out from the depths of My Holy God I come back into you for you to send me out into the world....as YOU chose and enable.

Unify us as the body you desire, may that be our undying sacrifice Father - Amen!


©Candace Huffmaster 2013, All Rights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc™

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