Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Strangely Dimming World

......Having loved His own who were in the world....He loved them to the end ~ John 13:1


I trust your plans for me and your timing for "those plans".  Please help me to count the number of my days; not due to fear, of not having more, but out from the joy, of the gift, of being able to give back into your efforts. Thank you for the desire to participate and also for the maturation of "peace in patience", "self control in zeal" and "purity in wanting".  Thank you for continuing to refine my nature & blossoming your character; for chiseling away any hard matters and unveiling the mastery of your grace.

Be glorified, as what you freely give, plant and mature produces all good things in their appointed time.  May I not rush to use what is in formation; may I settle all matters by trusting in what is faithful and true. For you Lord are God and there is no one here on earth, below or above you that I should search aimlessly for another way.  You are Love, the highest and greatest of all!  As I am able, this day, I will abide in faith and hope believing in you, who is able to provide.....

Where I am not aware of my obtrusive ways, I ask for wisdom and praise you for the mercy and grace which this day brings.  Where I say anything fruitless, may you capture those words, bring them back to my presence and teach me truth.  IF I continue in any false thought, action or am foolishly squandering my gifts, give me the presence, through your mighty spirit, to quickly be reconciled, restored and committed to your will.

I ask these things because you, God, are for me; you've made plans, sent provision and tenderly care about every thing.  I am you child and you're my Father - you are my Lord, Savior and King of kings.  May I serve you in all things from the least to the greatest; and may all that I know be produced by what you understand.  For life is from your breath, power and constant presence - without which my life could not bare or even stand.  You Lord are my tower, sanctification and eternal salvation.  My life, as I see it, a window to the Great I AM.

May all that is seen in no way diminish who YOU are, what you gave and all you surely redeem....
To God, the Almighty and Holy Sovereign Creator, please cover what I don't know and cannot comprehend. Thank you for this day and the salvation of the many.  May Christ even now have all bow humbly and low......


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