Good Morning Daddy,
Let my heart be pure, undefiled by human things. You have created me to relate with you, in your image, above all else. Selah
Exchange all I have been instructed with truth, renew my mind and flesh. There is nothing missing, broken or hidden, that you have not made a way to complete.
Sovereign you are, Majestic in deed, Powerful in all ways, Mighty to set us free. Liberate your spirit, for I desire it not to grieve. Enforce its Zoe life, never limit its deepest need.
May I live in full unto you: share of your great kingdom at hand, praise you both here and in the heavens; encompassing beyond all our eyes see.
For you alone are the answer, to every longing, hope and need. Please let your eyes see us and your heart gather all we believe.
Send out the help to those needing, pierce their soul to implant your life. Raise them up when they're ready, to share of the good things they now have.
Prosper what has been planted, feed the great multitudes. Bring honor unto your presence, by the only way which we're saved.
Call out our name among the nations. Open our heart, mind and faith. Lead us not into temptation, but into the throne room on high.
Let us be faithful as you are; let us live, love and lavish as one. Bring nothing to mind which should parish, for thine is the power alone.
Forgive those who trespass against us. May we usher in light as we leave. For all will be hidden in darkness and we forgive so they may follow and believe.
Turn their eyes toward revelations; linger as a sound on the breeze. Engulf their despair with your brilliance; save them for you are their King.
Send the herald to deliver Good News; let them leap above the bondage in their midst. Give them the grace to accept mercy; give them the hope which brings peace.
Stay with them, now and forever; for they are lonely, hurting and lost. But you, dear Lord, will not forsake them; thank God, He will not let
that be!
Pull us together in all ways; love us throughout eternity. Share who you are boldly through us; make them jealous for you, not for me.
In the name of Jesus our Christ, mighty to save - may this stand true in liberty,
© Candace Huffmaster 2012, All Copyrights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc™