Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Beyond Destructions Ashes

Good Morning Daddy,

Thank you for the mercy and grace which saves and shows us your way.  I forgive all others, because you have first loved me.  You ask that since I'm forgiven, I let go... releasing only your love.

Even when my heart is hurting, I will not bind what your goodness can restore.  You came to heal the broken, to set all bound captives free.  You speak and call and listen... you lead to protect your fold.

Although you returned to heaven, likewise you'll return for me.  Together, we all will meet you; those of us waiting to be ushered home.  There is no compromise;  meeting in the middle: just one truth, just one way and one life......

I pray to be a vessel of honor, with your oil burning to radiate magnificent light.  May they see, as I believe and trust you.  You're my hope, you are real and you provide.  I'll leave all my pain and all sorrows, to be destroyed by the pure flames of your love; releasing beauty beyond destruction's ashes, for your glory, your name and God's Love.


© Candace Huffmaster 2012, All Copyrights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc

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